For Accountants - Rental Coach

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The Accountants Studio Series

The Accountants Studio Series focusing on Rental Properties

We here at Learn Accounting NZ Ltd operate two brands: Rental Coach - which focuses on equipping landlords, and Accountants Studio - which focuses on training people in accountancy firms.

We have created the "Accountants Studio Series" for accountants - a series of short courses which brings together material from Rental Coach, but has a strong focus on the process and skills needed to complete a rental job for a client.

This series of courses can be taken by newbie trainees and by the end they should be able to prepare a real-life rental job for a client (excludes tax return filing). This course can also be used as refresher training for those who have been in practice a while to keep up-to-date with the rules! In total, these course can earn up to 6 CPD Hours of Unstructured Professional Development.

The 'Accountants Studio Series' is made up of 4 courses. They are:

This course takes students through all the important aspects of income in relation to Rental Properties. It contains the following units:

Income Generally, Income specific to Rental Properties, Mate's Rates, Bonds, What happens when you sell an asset, Boarders and Flatmates, and Accrual Accounting and Cash Accounting.

2 CPD hours - Unstructured Professional Development

This course takes students through all the important aspects of expenses in relation to Rental Properties. It contains the following units:

Expenses & Deductions, How to record expenses, What isn't allowed, Expenses specific to Rental Properties, and Specific tax rules such as: Home Office Expenses, Legal Fees, Mortgage Interest, Motor Vehicle Expenses, Telephone and Internet Costs, Travel Expenses, and Depreciation. We then cover how to calculate the profit and loss of the rental property and how to evaluate the performance of the property to enable good advice to be given to the client.

2 CPD hours - Unstructured Professional Development

This course takes students through all the important aspects of determining what is repairs and maintenance and what is an improvement in relation to Rental Properties. We cover:

The principles and rules to follow when looking at repairs done on rental properties and determining whether it is repairs and maintenance (an expense) or an improvement (an asset), A handy flowchart to print out and keep close when doing real-world jobs, and lots of examples illustrating the correct process to follow to ensure you comply with current rules.

2 CPD hours - Unstructured Professional Development

This is the final course in the series. It is a fictional rental property that we have created to replicate a 'real-life' client's job of a rental property.
In this course:

We provide the fictional data for the student to use and background information to explain the rental property.
We provide a calculation spreadsheet to record their answers onto. If the firm would prefer for the student to use their own accounting system, then this can be done instead.
We also provide a set of model answers that show the process of how each figure should be calculated and some of the decisions that should have been made.

No CPD hours are applicable to this portion of the course. However, this is the hands-on course to prove that you can prepare a rental job successfully!

All the courses (#1, #2, #3 & #4) together in one package. Buy them together for only $250 including GST (save $50).

   #1 Income for Rental Properties
   #2 Expenses for Rental Properties
   #3 Repairs and Maintenance for Rental Properties
   #4 Give it a Go - A Practice Rental Property (Model Job & Answers)

This is a total of 6 CPD hours - Unstructured Professional Development
Each course is designed to take around 2 hours, and each course is split into units which range from 10-30 minutes. Each course uses a web-based interface which is easy to use. Once each unit is completed, the progress is tracked, and the course can be resumed at a later time without any loss of progress.

The first 3 courses finish with a short quiz, while the final course has the model job to be completed (with a set of answers provided).

Interested in giving this to your staff members? We can create a 'mentor' role so that you can see how your staff are progressing through these courses, their results, and how long it took them. Get in contact with us at to get setup (and discounts for multiple users).
Like to check your knowledge? Take our quiz!

We have made a quiz to test the knowledge of existing staff members. This will test whether they are up-to-date, or whether they need to go through a particular Accountants Studio course as a refresher.

This quiz is not designed for new trainees with no previous experience of preparing rental properties. We would recommend that they go through the Accountants Studio course as part of their training program.

The quiz consists of 20 questions and should take around 30 minutes to complete.

You can re-visit this link later to resume the quiz or review your answers.


For a single course $75. For the complete set of 4 courses, $250 (Save $50!) (All prices include GST).
Bulk discounts are available for firms with multiple trainees.

Interested? View the course details in our course catalog here.

Like to purchase all the courses or for multiple trainees? Get in touch with us here.

Rental Coach - upskilling landlords through quality on-line tax courses.
Learn Accounting NZ Ltd.
Rental Coach
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